Join us on Sundays!
9:30 Sunday School (Starting August 18th)
10:30 Worship Service

Meeting at 1281 Spartan Lane
Athens Academy Campus
Bertelsmann Building
Athens, GA 30606 (Oconee County)

Meet Our Lead Pastor
Clay Werner
Clay has a passion for the gospel and for people, especially for connecting people to the heart of God more deeply through the gospel. He attended Ball State University in Indiana and Westminster Seminary in California and has been in ministry for over 15 years. He and his wife, Liz, have five children and love to spend time hiking, fishing, and watching Bulldog football. He is the author of On the Brink: Grace for the Burned Out Pastor and Gospel Brokenness: The Unexpected Path to Deep Joy. His writing has been highlighted by The Gospel Coalition, World Magazine, The White Horse Inn, and 9 Marks.